Dear friends, family, clients, and curious minds,
It is with great pride and pleasure that we welcome you to the newly-relaunched macklowegallery.com—a true digital destination for the education, appreciation, and acquisition of beautiful objects from the 20th century.
When Lloyd and Barbara opened Macklowe Gallery nearly 50 years ago, their passion for collecting, thirst for historical knowledge, and connection to their clients were the most crucial elements of their success. Five decades later, all of that remains truer than ever, and we hope to honor it in an innovative way through this new frontier.
Whether you're new to our family or have been collecting with us for years, you can expect the same level of expertise and authority on our website as you do within the walls of Macklowe Gallery. Each offering on the site features detailed information about provenance, materials, and a "Curator's Note"—the ultimate cocktail party factoid. If you find yourself wanting more information, simply click "Ask A Curator" and be connected virtually with one of our experts in real time to help you purchase with knowledge and confidence.
As you browse, you'll notice information and education at every click, including a dedicated academic hub, "From Our Study," which was built to showcase the breadth of Macklowe Gallery's unmatched expertise. Serving as the digital arm of our own private study at 445 Park Avenue, this scholarly space helps provide everything a collector may need to feel informed about an acquisition, and is meant to encourage the academic growth of the next generation of collectors.
It is our sincere hope that this new space will surprise, delight, and inspire you. Please feel free to share your feedback with us at any time via email@macklowegallery.com. Thank you for your continued patronage, and we look forward to welcoming you over and over again to our new digital storefront.
Warmest Wishes,
Ben & Hillary Macklowe